can we eliminate the word edgy

2 years ago

we love loud music
yacking about different stuff
people are starting to get it now, but still not enough to do anything about it
giving in goes against my nature
all i wanna do is run off into the woods
am i a bad person cos i don't want what they want
i don't trust this world or myself to be w/ a man
my own personal ideaulogy
i am in dreamy land all the time
any time i have it i just push it away and reject it
this shit ain't for me, stop pretending amy
maybe he'll understand this idiosyncratic behavior of mine
all the dudes i've dated have problems
common denominator: me
all these dead armadillos, suicide epidemic
i've killed two in the past several days
what if they are suicidal and not conscious of it
i can't do this on stage
grateful for the select few, glad you get sumin out of it
so tired right now
eaten my weight in guacamole (105 lbs, still not that much)
that might not seem like an accomplishment to you but to me...
inherently anorexic
i have to force myself to eat sometimes
too frenetic to eat
i stopped eating in drivethrus since i started to work in them 15yrs ago
yet another version of this same slop haha
comedy definitely ain't what it used to be
everything has to be trendy now
somewhat of a trope
this is popular, cool, stylin'
let's pretend abortion isn't horrible
i still dunno how to work this camcorder

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