9/11 TRUTH for "DUMMIES"

2 years ago

1) 09/11/2011 This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch.

2) Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 With Ed Asner
Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

• 09/11/2011 This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch.

3) 9/11 Predictive Programming – The Lone Gunman TV Show Series Pilot

First aired in March 2001, it depicts a remote-controlled passenger filled jet intentionally being flown into the World Trade Centre in New York by the US Government.
The explanation given is that the cold war is now over and there needs to be an excuse to continue funding the military industrial complex.

Although the plot is foiled - the action and explanation of the plot is almost scarily similar to that of 9/11.

5) CIA insider (Susan Lindauer) tells truth about 9/11 it`s time to wake up. Original video creator: Xendrius on YouTube.

9 11 CONSPIRACY SOLVED: NAMES, CONNECTIONS, & DETAILS EXPOSED!Was 9/11 really an Inside Job? After reviewing this documentary, and checking the evidence, I think the answer will be clear to you.

Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for solving the crimes of 9/11 with their amazing research. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered.

"Crossing the Rubicon" - The Decline of American Empire at the end of the age of oil

A Guide to the 9/11 Whistleblowers



7) 911 - The Israeli Art Project - Gelatin The B-thing with Rebekah Roth

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