Elite Dangerous (2014) on Xbox Series X First Gameplay Live with Jerry Banfield!

2 years ago

Bio: I'm a full time streamer sober since 2014 you can watch live on https://www.twitch.tv/jerrybanfield/ and see highlight clips and tutorials at https://www.youtube.com/jerrybanfield

Discord https://discord.com/invite/zmdgUwcb8v
Tips and resources https://jerrybanfield.com

Sponsor a game by emailing sponsor@jerrybanfield.com

All of my videos are available with the Creative Commons Zero or CC0 license meaning you can use any part of any of my videos or live streams in any way you want! You do NOT need to give me credit or ask permission! If you contact me on Discord, telegram, or text, I will be happy to provide you to the original high quality recording on Dropbox.

Jerry Banfield

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