Meanwhile- Let’s see how our fellow Americans are knowledgeable about our US History!👀 Must watch!!!

2 years ago

Meanwhile- Let’s see how our fellow Americans are knowledgeable about our US History!👀 Must watch!!!

Isn’t it sad how most of our younger generations nowadays have been indoctrinated in the schools/ colleges/ universities?!!!
Majority of them don’t know anything about our US HISTORY. Random people have been asked with some random questions about our US HISTORY and the likes, BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THEY KNOW NOTHING AT ALL!👎🏻😆
That is indeed very Pathetic!!!!

Oh wait, but when they have been asked about HOLLYWOOD TOPICS/ CELEBRITIES, well… well…, they got the Right answers completely! How impressive!!!😁

This is AN ABSOLUTE EFFECT OF ‘CRITICAL RACE THEORY, removing US histories from our books.. changing with something else nonsense topics/contents.👎🏻
The result is equals to Ignorance/ Dum..ness.


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