Who’s Attacking Whom?

2 years ago

[00:30] More Biden Delusions (12 minutes)

Yesterday, Joe Biden essentially said that the Democrats are the party of law and order, and they are the ones who are pro-police—while right-wing Americans are anti-police, gun-obsessed, “on the side of the mob,” and “pro-insurrection.” Tomorrow night, Biden is scheduled to deliver a speech in Philadelphia about America’s democracy being “under attack,” spotlighting those he believes are fighting to protect American freedom. Who is really under attack here?

[12:00] DOJ Complains of Trump Obstruction (14 minutes)

Once again, the DOJ has changed its tune on the real reason why it raided Mar-a-Lago—from presidential documents that should be in the National Archives to classified information to nuclear codes, and now, to obstruction of justice. In a 36-page brief filed last night, the DOJ complained that “efforts were likely taken” by Donald Trump “to obstruct the government’s investigation” into the declassified documents at Mar-a-Lago. The brief included a staged photo of paper documents scattered on the floor of a room in Mar-a-Lago. The “deep state” is clearly preparing to indict Trump for something, although the apparent “crime” keeps changing.

[26:45] Trump Derangement Syndrome Strikes Again (10 minutes)

On Morning Joe, host Mika Brzezinski discussed the “nightmare scenario” if Trump regained the presidency, interviewing a writer from the Atlantic who claims Trump would weaponize the Justice Department. That is especially rich coming from the deep state media, which has whitewashed Barack Obama’s weaponization of government agencies for years. In a recent article, Victor Davis Hanson penned a brilliant response to this kind of delusional reasoning from those who accuse Trump and his supporters of being semi-fascists. Hanson exposed that, rather than weaponizing these agencies, Trump has been aggressively targeted by them.
[37:00] Stand Up for God (18 minutes)

God wants us to be absolutely confident in our Christian battle, standing strong in the face of attacks and persecution from the devil. We must fight to protect the truth and use our God-given strength to claim victories. Believe in the Word of God and let it give you confidence, boldness and courage so you can stand against evil.

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