What's wrong with "I don't know."?

3 years ago

I hurt for the Pharisees on this one, in their want to trap JESUS, in their want to justify themselves and their actions they were more interested in trying to disprove HIM than see what was right in front of them. HIM. The GOD they have been praying for is there, with them, in that moment and those who should know (because of their devout study of the letter) better miss entirely. And those who would be thrown out as knowing nothing (children, fishermen, women, "the other") are the ones seeing truth before them.

Perhaps being "In the know" counts for very little when it's the world saying it.
They held to their position (of supposed to know it all) rather than hold to their GOD who truly does. No wonder YESHUA says they follow the will of their father, the devil, in John 8.
Position and tradition do not truth make.

Cause tradition in the world would read psalm 110, and even parts of The Revelation of John, as actual bloodshed and battle against flesh and blood. (Pulling a Cain) where as HIS way is one where HE is the already bloodied one as HE shows up. Revelation 19:11-16. When we stop reading it by the World's traditions and standards and start really living what and how we believe. Then Agape love like YESHUA'S, like JESUS, is not only logical, it's the only thing we can be. Everything else is ruin, folly, and foolishness. Anything, anyone, other than HIM and you will always be let down. We're made to hold to HIM. We're HIS. So let's live it out and act like it. Trading in filthy rags that won't bow in humility to HIM for white robes of righteousness, being washed clean in HIS blood.

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