A Christian Meditation: Armor of God Meditation Ritual

2 years ago

I share a new idea that I formed when it comes to meditating as a Christian astrologer. As promised in the video I did some research for YouTube videos where they are doing something similar to this.
Go check it out! Only found one!

Learn about the spiritual coaching and apothecary I have.


Astrology, in fact, is the most curious mixture of the scientific and mystical that has ever existed, which is why it is attacked by both camps (Christianity & Atheism). However, this is also why astrology is so valuable, because only through a blending of these two ideals will the human race come to a balanced understanding of the universe and of itself.

Spiritual Coaching:
Whether you are a parent feeling like you are losing your mind, or an adult needing guidance on what your purpose is here on earth, there are a few things me and my team are educated and experienced in enough to confidently attempt to help you. You are NOT alone.

I am a firm believer that the earth provides what its inhabitants require to thrive. Though, as society plays their own part in ensuring that we do not damage or hinder earth’s gifts, it is becoming harder to find those natural medicines. Don’t get me wrong, science plays a great part in the evolvement of things that assist us, but when it comes to things that enter our body, I believe we should try to pursue natural medicine as much as possible.

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