Top 10 Best .38 Special Handguns Worth Buying (2022)

2 years ago

Top 10 Best .38 Special Handguns Worth Buying (2022)

Disclaimer: All firearms in this video are for entertainment purposes only. This video is intended towards mature audience only. Bytanders are not disturbed during the filming process, and the recordings are produced in accordance with community standards.

Some people prefer the traditional way of doing things, and .38 Special revolvers are an excellent choice for a concealed carry gun. But, which should you get? There are numerous options on the market.

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🕒 Timestamps 🕒
00:00 Introduction
00:27 Weihrauch Windicator
01:25 Taurus 856CH
02:08 Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard 38
03:00 Charter Arms Off-Duty
03:58 Rock Island Armory M206
05:06 Ruger LCR
05:53 Smith & Wesson Model 642
06:51 Smith and Wesson Model 638
07:41 Charter Arms Undercover
08:22 Chiappa Rhino
09:21 Final Thought

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Tags: .38,pistol,handgun,38 special,.38 special,.38 special,.38 special handgun,.38 special caliber,38 special review,best .38 special handguns,best pistols 2022,38 special pistols,best handguns 2022,best 38 special pistols,best 38 special handguns,top .38 special pistol,best .38 special pistols 2022,new 38 special handguns 2022,top .38 special handuns 2022,top 10 best .38 special pistols,top 10 best .38 special pistols worth buying

Some of the footage in this video is not original Strong Gun content. Stock video of products was obtained from a variety of sources, including manufacturers, fellow producers, and others. If you believe something belongs to you and would like it removed, please contact us at stronggun.offical[at]

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