HER DEATH WAS A RITUAL ( and other news)

2 years ago

Deception Bytes discusses the news of the day focusing on the ongoing political scandals from a Christian patriotic perspective. In tonight's broadcast on the twenty fifth anniversary of the death of Princess Diana we look the fact that her death was no accident and was in fact a pagan ritual. We also look at the fact that Canadian doctors are dying at a rate that is 23 times the normal rate.

Additionally we look at the fact that the Democrats are demanding more money for illegal alien hand-outs while Americans suffer and we look at Bill Gates factory that is breeding 30 million GMO mosquitoes that are being send to 11 countries.

Other items of interest are additionally discussed.

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LINK ONE: https://www.globalresearch.ca/young-doctors-canada-dying-rate-23x-normal-after-second-booster/5791898

LINK TWO: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/08/diana-ritual-sacrifice-of-the-new-world-order-greg-reese-video/

LINK THREE: https://backtojerusalem.com/the-bird-that-mao-hated-and-jesus-loved/

LINK FOUR: https://truthunmuted.org/warning-gates-funded-factory-breeds-30-million-mosquitoes-a-week-for-release-in-11-countries/#comment-271


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