AGENDA: Billionaires and Corporations Pushing for a One-World Government-Unbreakable Reloaded 12/12

2 years ago

Jonathon Otto features an exclusive BRAND NEW interview with Dr. Henry Ealy and Dr. Bryan Ardis. He also speaks with Dr. Tau Braun.

Dr. Ealy shares the latest news about his progress with his grand jury petition. He also talks about distinguishing between doctors in “white coats” and doctors who have realized the corruption going on in the conventional medicine system… And they make a change to support their patients instead of exploiting them.

• “I mean, that medicine, those white coats, it's the best medicine ever
invented for emergency situations. You just can't deny that. But when they
start breaching into preventative medicine and trying to deal with chronic
disease, their track record sucks.”

Dr. Ardis reveals how he’s been working to educate people about COVID lies, including Remdesivir… It killed 53% of patients in an African study – which Anthony Fauci covered up to promote this deadly drug.

• “I actually was so motivated by the May, 2020 memo by Anthony Fauci..And I
couldn't believe that within five minutes, the actual hyperlink that was on his
memo, I could not believe that in the first five minutes I get to table one
where the safety board for that study in Africa said, we're pulling remdesivir
from the trial because it has a 53% death rate. And I was like, what? This
dude's lying to the whole world.

Dr. Tau Braun exposes how people are being brainwashed into believing that deadly pharmaceuticals are safe and effective

•“Make something look clean, but it's just as dirty, if not more lethal, in the way
that you're giving it because there's also no barriers.

Unbreakable Reloaded DVD series

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