Questions about a wall. (Matthew 24:1-2)

3 years ago

We will be digging into the full of 24 next week. There is a lot here to unpack and what might even require an hour by self, it's a whole lot. About falling away, cold hearts, a lack of love, half the world being on edge and ready for the other shoe to drop and one half hating the world and living like all is well. It's a whole lot; still, today I wonder about the lack of sites and change of places. In 70 AD Roman sacked the temple, there is a place that holds a massive piece of ancient glass that shows the damage of a fire that I am a bit curious about; still, knowing that HE is The Word-Made-Flesh, and we know HIM to be true, what if we have been looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong things. What if we don't have to go with what the world says and go by The ONE Who really knows.

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