She makes them scrub... Boat Life🌴 W Max & Occy, Ep 256

3 years ago

We are DEEP in the Mentawai Islands on the search for more FROTH!!

In this episode, we continue our exploration deep into the Southern Mentawai Islands. With our crew member Max from the Youtube channel Max & Occy onboard, the froth levels are high as we score one of the best waves in the area all to ourselves. Sailing to us is about the discovery of new places and we like to seek out as many of those as we can!
Non stop sailing and surfing, then the need to hide away from weather regularly means we are on the move A LOT. After a couple weeks of living the dream., it is time to do some maintenance to bring Nandji back up to speed. Nothing like teachiing crew about sailing then scrubbing the decks!!

#sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #boatlife #tinyhome #offgrid #mentawai

Check out Max's channel here 👇
Max & Occy -

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If you enjoyed this video, Bikinis, Waves & Summer days in Exotic Indonesia 🌴 W Max & Occy, Click the link below and view it again! Yew!

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