No one gives a FUCK about your grades

2 years ago

I learned a secret when I was in college…

I had a platform known as College Conqueror.

I would research the skill sets and techniques that students would use to succeed in college and beyond.

Here’s a fun fact I learned..

No one cared about grades.

I stopped going to class because I realized that SKILLS were more important.

Imagine you’re in an interview…

You’re asked why you’re a better hire.

Which sounds better?

- I had a 4.0 gpa because I studied hard and memorized everything.


- I got a 2.5 gpa but instead of studying I was in the field. And I made the last company I worked for 300k in additional revenue.

Stop focusing on grades.

They’ll boost your ego.

But no company or employer with a good head on his shoulders will care…

So neither should you.

#hiringalert #skilldevelopment #getskills #selfimprovementdaily #improveyourself

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