Directed Energy Weapons Are Being Used To Cause Strange Wildfires

2 years ago

(From the 2017 California fires, in case you missed this one):

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I don't usually jump to conclusions when it comes to the current events of today and those items presented to me for consideration of the content within. When I first heard anything of interest to my palate on these fires, I was presented with a video showing drone footage of the burned down houses in Santa Rosa, CA.
At first I just took a glance at the video because I was busy writing a piece on something totally unrelated to these fires, so when I got a free moment I came back to the drone footage only to realize I had almost dismissed something phenomenal going on in California with these so called "Wild Fires".
When I examined the footage in more detail I could see that there was something very wrong with the fire scene. I have had extended training in fighting forest fires from my time up in Yosemite National Park where I took a couple courses with the Rangers / Hot Shots.

We learned the basic 8 Survival course for surviving a forest / wild fire. Then I took the extended Fire 32 course.
In the extended course they taught us the techniques used to create something called "Fire Breaks". This is a staple of fire fighting in the forest because what it does is it creates a gap in the fuels needed by the fire to spread. Your most basic Fire Break is approximately 5 meters (about 16 1/2 Ft.) in width and this provides a zone to slow down the spread of radiant heat to other fuel sources such as downed trees and shrubs or twigs on the ground that would act as perfect kindling to help the fire spread to new areas of the forest.

When you examine the footage of these fires you see just that and even other more strange anomalies that just don't add up. While there are a great deal of "Fire Breaks", it would seem that they did not stop the fire from radiating its heat outward toward cars on the street next to the burned out houses whil..

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