Week 6 of Flower - Bruce Banner #3 Cannabis Grow: Mars Hydro SP3000 | 2x4 tents | Gaia Green

2 years ago

[00:00] Week 6 of Flower Bruce Banner Organic Cannabis Grow: Week 24 Update

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Check for out-takes and dumb stuff at the end of lots of our videos!

[ 00:11 ] Week 24 Update Excuses
[ 01:08 ] Feeding Notes
[ 02:00 ] Cannabis Flower Closeups AKA Weed Pr0n
[ 02:07 ] Our Bruce Banner #3 "RUNT" Photoperiod in Week 6 of Flower
[ 04:05 ] PAR Geek Segment
[ 04:12 ] Light Stats for "The Runt" Tent (on the right)
[ 04:37 ] Par Readings across the Bruce Banner "RUNT" canopy
[ 04:40 ] Thanks for watching!
[ 07:09 ] Dumb Stuff 😳

Here are the vital stats for all our girls:

✤✤✤ "Pretty Girls" Tent (on the left): Week 9 of flower ✤✤✤

✹ ✹ OG KUSH (plant on the left – GONE!) ✹ ✹
➼Germinated: 22-01-12
➼Flipped: 22-04-10
➼Flowered (first pistils appeared): 22-04-22
➼HARVESTED 22-06-16

✹ ✹ Bruce Banner #3 (plant on the right) ✹ ✹
➼Germinated: 22-01-12
➼Flipped: 22-04-10
➼Flowered (first pistils appeared): 22-04-22
➼HARVESTED 22-06-23

✤✤✤ “Runt Tent” (on the right): Week 6 of flower ✤✤✤

✹ ✹ Bruce Banner #3 ✹ ✹
➼Germinated: 22-01-12
➼Flipped: 22-05-15
➼Flowered (first pistils appeared): 22-05-22
➼Light Height: 15 inches from the canopy
➼Approximate Average Canopy PAR: 900
➼DLI Daily Light Integral: 39 DLI

We use two Mars Hydro SP3000 grow lights in two 2x4 tents
All our amendments are organic
We use Gaia Green
And we're not sponsored ... yet? 😜

Love you guys – thanks for watching our video! ❤️❤️❤️
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•Watch the video right to the end (we usually put little surprises for you !)
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