Hold Big Pharma Accountable for Covid Disaster, Says Dr. Furey

2 years ago

Top health officials in Virginia are refusing to engage in open dialogue or participate in public events with the medical community and leading experts, warned psychiatrist Dr. Sheila Furey with the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. At a supposed "public forum" for medical professionals to discuss Covid treatment with state health authorities, leading experts and physicians were told that officials would not discuss any treatments involving hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. They also refused to discuss side effects of the vaccine. "They refused to answer our questions or engage in any dialogue," she said. Then they booted them out of the "public forum." When the VA Medical Freedom Alliance invited officials to come to their own public forum with Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Paul Marik, officials refused to participate. Dr. Furey also put the blame for the vax disaster on the pharmaceutical companies, which she says covered up the data showing the danger. "We have to stop the medical cartel," added Dr. Furey, saying they destroyed the doctor-patient relationship.

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