Ship in the waters of Gibraltar has begun to pour fuel into the sea after splitting in two

2 years ago

The ship that crashed in the waters of Gibraltar has begun to pour fuel into the sea after splitting its hull in two, and threatens the coast of the Bay of Algeciras.

The bulk carrier 'OS 35', which collided with a gas carrier on Monday night while maneuvering to leave for Vlissingen, in the Netherlands, is carrying 183 tons of heavy fuel oil, 250 tons of diesel and 27 tons of lubricating oil.

"There has been a leak of substances from the ship as a result of the movement caused by its rupture. Initial investigations indicate that it is lubricating oil. This lubricating oil is currently contained within the primary barrier and every effort will be made to remove it from the vessel. using a skimmer and a sludge barge before it can filter out of the barrier", stated the Government of Gibraltar, which after the fracture of the ship's hull did not detect "any oil spill" and ensured that the marine barrier deployed around the ship would contain any spillage.
Gibraltar: Bulk Carrier Aground After Collision with LNG Carrier:
El buque accidentado en aguas de Gibraltar ha comenzado a verter combustible al mar tras partirse el casco en dos, y amenaza la costa de la Bahía de Algeciras.

El granelero 'OS 35', que colisionó en la noche del lunes con un barco gasero cuando maniobraba para salir hacia Vlissingen, en los Países Bajos, carga con 183 toneladas de fueloil pesado, 250 toneladas de gasóleo y 27 toneladas de aceite lubricante.

"Se ha producido una fuga de sustancias del buque como consecuencia del movimiento derivado de su rotura. Las primeras investigaciones indican que se trata de aceite lubricante. Este aceite lubricante está actualmente contenido dentro de la barrera primaria y se hará todo lo posible para retirarlo del mar utilizando un skimmer y una barcaza de lodos antes de que pueda filtrarse fuera de la barrera", ha señalado el Gobierno de Gibraltar, que tras la fractura del casco del buque no detectaba "ningún derrame de petróleo" y aseguraba que la barrera marina desplegada alrededor de la nave contendría cualquier vertido. [ RTVE Noticias]

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