Did “Q” Just Contact Me? – ("Many Refers To It as "REAL MAGIC") - Marcum - [please see description]

2 years ago

(Note: Yet another unexplained coincidence in my life. I came across a recent Youtube video named, “Many Refers To It as "REAL MAGIC"”, and just posted it today. I was intrigued by its content and references to human DNA frequencies and the statement, “kept hidden in the Vatican’s basement.” I usually use a PC program to download video content to a specific folder.
As I was preparing to upload this mirrored video download, I noticed the file was too small and too short. As I played it to check, I was surprised to find a, “Law Abiding Citizen” video clip playing under that recently downloaded file named, “Many Refers To It as "REAL MAGIC"”. At first one would think an anomaly or the download program messed up with some promotion clip linked to the original Youtube video and downloaded the wrong clip.

It gets really weird when you realize and remember this exact clip was the same video clip Q had linked in a Q-post a couple of years ago. I also posted it a while back as I normally would mirror or post interesting articles or info from Q. At this point I didn’t give it much thought and download the Youtube video link again. The program recognizing a duplicate video link and name automatically named the downloaded file as, “Many Refers To It as REAL MAGIC (2).mp4”. Now the file was the proper size and length and played properly and uploaded it to both my Rumble and Bitchute accounts.

This is where it gets weird. The “Many Refers To It as REAL MAGIC (2).mp4”. download file is dated 2022-08-31 10:30 AM and the incorrect “Law Abiding Citizen” video named, “Many Refers To It as REAL MAGIC.mp4”, that I downloaded last night is dated, 2020-10-17 2:52 PM. (See thumbnail above for screenshot insert). The date was odd and I went back to the Q-post board to find that exact Youtube link again.


This is crazy, Q-post 4884 is dated the same as my downloaded video clip, 17-Oct-2020 2:16:46 PM EDT., however the link on Q 4884 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUsLDzXWUU4) is originally dated Jun 6, 2012. So how did I download the “Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)” by mistake under the name, “Many Refers To It as REAL MAGIC (2)”, yet is dated to the exact day almost the same hour as Q-post 4884? This is far beyond coincidence! To make any sense out of this, one would have to have made a connection to the Q-post.

What does this all mean?
- Is the message suggesting, “Real Magic” is involved?
- Is the above clip, “Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)” more relevant now and a message meant for both you and me a this point of time?
- Will there now soon be justice served for the Cabal and justice for the innocent?
- Is this a confirmation that I am being guided and on the correct path as a believer and a Christian or actually has a connection to Q?
- Is “Kept Hidden In The Vatican's Basement” therefore relevant as well as all the content in the original, “Many Refers To It as REAL MAGIC”, clip I posted this morning? https://www.bitchute.com/video/GyK1hJFsubDB/
- The above clip refers to your DNA and vibration. I know I can now perceive evil, especially when watching TV programs, will my increased DNA vibration soon allow me to see these evil shapeshifting entities as they really are? Will they be able to hide and continue their evil in secret if we now can see them for what they are?
- Q-post 4884 dated 17-Oct-2020. Is this date going to be relevant for October 17, 2022? Be alert, past proves future, future proves past. Pray! Marcum)

I have no idea how the above clip miraculously got downloaded under another name and Youtube link (Real Magic?), but the above upload is that exact file. Under Fair Use Policy, but what source do I credit the video clip to?

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