America's Culture of Rape

2 years ago

Nearly one in five women, a total of over 23 million, have experienced sexual assault in their lifetime. Tragically, over a third of all women who were raped as minors are also later raped as adults. Survivors of rape are thirteen times more likely to attempt suicide than those who have not been victims of crime. These statistics reflect a crisis that, while often acknowledged, has existed thus far without any meaningful challenge. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, out of every 1000 rapes, only 334 are reported to the police, and only 63 of those reported rapes result in an arrest, of which only 13 cases are referred to prosecutors, and even then, only 7 cases lead to a felony conviction.
Though rape is a serious crime in itself, rape culture is a far greater concern. Has the #MeToo movement done enough to challenge this culture? What further steps can we take to change societal biases?

On today's episode of Coup Save America, Sean will speak with special guest Tara Reade about the difficulties women face when they speak out about sexual assult in today's culture.

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