LBP Podcast Episode 10: What You Need to Teach Your Kids About Inflation

2 years ago

One of the major problems with educating people on the idea of inflation is that many don’t even know what money is, or at least have a clear understanding of what money is. Sure, it is dollar bills and pennies and nickels, dimes, quarters, and all that, but I’m talking about what it actually is; what it actually represents. So, when my father sat me down at a picnic table under the maple tree in our back yard to give me my first lesson in economics, he went through a series of definitions and stories to illustrate his point. If you are a parent, and you are concerned for your children’s understanding of things in the real world, you may want to take heed of what we’re about to explain. You can then present it in a way your kids can understand.

It's all based on the Book UnaLIENable: What it Really Means and Why it Matters

The Liberty Brief podcast is dedicated to the understanding of our rights as American citizens and what was meant to be our inheritance by the founding generation of our country.

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