The Witchy Side: Rosemary: Secrets of the Kitchen Herbs

2 years ago



Rosemary is one of those kitchen herbs that most people have. But did you know this was grown way back when and the women who grew it in their windows and garden were thought to be showing their dominance over their household. I don’t see anything wrong with this! Or on the other hand it was said that Rosemary will only grow where the mistress is the master of the house.

Rosemary is used in handfasting ceremonies, at gravesites, on the doorstep, for wreaths that hang on our doors. Rosemary is also used for incense, to help with purification of an area.

In Italy it is said that fairies live in Rosemary and can shapeshift into small snakes. So if you see small snakes around your Rosemary, be careful with them because they may be more fae than snake.

Some of the folk names are: Compass Weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Libanotis (greek) Polar Plant, Sea dew.

The attributes of this herb are

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Aphrodite: is the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. She is normally depicted as a very beautiful woman.
Powers: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Protection: Use Rosemary in a wreath on your door to protect your house, you can use crushed rosemary in a spell bottle to carry with you. You can wear the essential oil as a perfume with the intent of protection. Also can be added to protection spells for a boost.
Love: Rosemary is well known for being used in Handfastings, simply by placing it in the bouquet. Wear rosemary to attract love into your life. Add the herb to a love spell to boost its powers
Lust: Add rosemary essential to your bath to increase your attractiveness to others. Also be careful with this type of spellwork, they can backfire in some really bad ways.
Mental Powers: Burn in an incense or use the essential oil in a warmer when you need to focus, or when you are wanting to open your third eye. This can also be done if you are wanting to clear out your third eye while boosting your mental powers.
Exorcism: Add rosemary to other herbs to use when removing negative energy from your space. If you are new to witchcraft and have attracted something bad to your space, please reach out to someone who has experience with removing it. Sometimes you can make an entity even more angry by trying this on your own.
Purification: Burn rosemary with any or all the other kitchen herbs we have talked about to remove negative energy from your home and purify yourself and your space.
Healing: If you watched the Medicinal Herbal video on Rosemary you will already know that this plant can be used for many different types of healing agents. It is antimicrobial, and an antibacterial. You can also use this herb in rituals for spiritual healing, or help heal chakras that might be scared or damaged due to trauma in your life. I would also suggest therapy.
Sleep: Rosemary is also a Nervine. You can use this in a tincture, or in a tea for a bedtime ritual to help aid in a peaceful and pure night's sleep.
Youth: Since Rosemary is such a healing herb, and help with all types of aches and pains it is not shocking that this can be used in spells and rituals for vitality. No we as witches do not steal youth from small children.

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