The Plot to Kill... (Matthew 26:1-5)

3 years ago

Their plot: to kill Jesus.
HIS plot: To crush the head of the snake, once and for all.

There is a place of beauty that I didn't cover about secret places being brought to light. That there is no point in hiding because The LORD already knows it all and died in place. Sometimes I wonder if the reason we fear secrets being brought to light is because of the same reason, at least at its core, that Adam and Eve hid themselves, fear and a feeling of shame. What if they won't accept me; what if they hate me; what if they try to kill me; what if I cannot be loved? What painful questions are these that we ask ourselves when we struggle in the dark. Often being locked in a wrestling place of trying to grasp fully that GOD Knows: Knows the pain, the suffering, the darkness, the fears, the shames, and everything in those dark places as HE knows the hopes, the joys, the lights, the favorites, the things that make us giggle as when we were young children who embraced joy and saw only peace, before those places of pain and darkness set in that slowly broke down and caused suffering or made the ideas and moments of joy all the more painfully precious and HE KNOWS. There is nothing that can be hidden because nothing is hidden, not really, . HE knows it all from begging to end, and HE gives the free will choice to put down the hurt and be held by HIM; the only scars, HIS. It's a place of trust to be willing to say that it's okay that HE knows and we don't. That alone is a place of surrender, one of putting down the need to know everything and in part the need to control everything. Not of giving up on an answer, but being okay if the answer is, "Trust me." "Trust me because I have given you cause to again and again and again, even when you fought me every step of the way and ignored me." Why was Abraham declared righteous? Faith. Why did David have a heart after The Lord's? Because he trusted The LORD in everything. How many times have we stumbled and HE been there, even in ways we may not see or understand without looking at them through eyes of comfort and not hurt. We serve The GOD Who Loves. HE so loves in fact that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, and who ever believes in HIM shall not die but truly live. HIS blood paid it all so you can live. Will you trust HIM enough to let HIM bring dry bones to life and breath in you anew as to step out and taste the rays of the sun for the first time, a breath of fresh air to fill the lungs on a rainy day.

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