The Jews Infiltrated And Destroyed Ancient Egypt, Greece And Rome

2 years ago

Before the Hyksos Atonists Jews arrived in Rome, the Herodian dynasty were allegedly known as Edomites, and we strongly suspect they were connected to the descendants of the Atonists and to the Hyksos "Shepherd Kings" of Egypt. In general terms, whenever the code term "red" is used in the Old Testament, it denotes the Hyksos dynasty. The word Edom is believed to have meant "red men" or "men from the red land", and the color red is associated with the Hyksos bloodline. The Herod family was both Jewish and Roman, and we believe them to have been puppets of the Atonists ensconced in France and Britain. The Herodians, known as "Kings of the Jews" were a Jewish-Roman elite of great power and prestige. They were Edomites (Idumeans) or Hyksos, that is Atonists. A few experts believe that the letter "I", at the beginning of Idumean, should be a "J", They believe the word is a rough and deliberate corruption of Judean. This makes sense. This is merely one example of how words and terms have been tampered with so that the truth about mankind’s past remains distorted.

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