How Long until The Amazon Rainforest is DESTROYED? 2022

2 years ago

Amazon rainforest

How much do we know about the Amazon rainforest? And what is happening there right now..
In todays video, we will try to explain and show how much do we know, and what's happening in the biggest rainforest in the world.

Let's first start with where is located the Amazon rainforest or also known as the Amazonia.
The Amazon is located in 9 different countries that share the same basin.
most of the rainforest, equaled to 60%, is contained within the borders of Brazil, The other eight countries include Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Ecuador are making up for the 40 % left.
The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world, next to the Nile. Its waterways cover roughly 4,000 miles, and it also has the highest rate of rainfall in the world, More than 3,700 cubic miles of rainwater fall from the sky each year.

Okay, now that we know where is located, What do we know about The amazon rainforest?

We know that The Amazon is the world's biggest rainforest, larger than the next two largest rainforests — in the Congo Basin and Indonesia all combined.
Also the Amazon rainforest is 40 times larger than England, meaning you can fit England 40 times into the Amazon and This is because it has a land area of over five and half million square kilometres, compared to England's 130,000 square kilometres.

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