How Andrew Tate Spends His Millions

2 years ago

ndrew Tate is one of the most controversial people on the internet right now. He was a kickboxer, ran several shady businesses and had his own university where he taught people to live just like he does. This has all led him to a sizable fortune that is to the tune of over a hundred million dollars. Or a trillion dollars if you believe his tall tales.

There are many tall tales about Tate. Some think he was in the Mafia. Others think his entire lifestyle is a front. Some think he’s actually downplaying his lifestyle and that he’s secretly the richest man in the world. It can be hard to separate fact from fiction for a man like this.

One thing that’s for sure real is his impressive car collection. All of the big brands are accounted for. When you sell yourself as a luxury brand, you’ve got to have the garage to back it up. His is among the best we’ve ever seen.

Of course, this entire lifestyle may be over. Tate’s incendiary opinions caught up to him and got him banned from pretty much every social media platform out there. He has become something of a firestorm of controversy angering human rights groups, teachers, and many many more. Not only that ut he may end up getting jailed for parts of his life that are even more incendiary than a few comments here and there.

So how does he live? There’s only one way to find out!

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