How to save money when grocery shopping

2 years ago

Buying in bulk:
South African retailer Makro suggests bulk-buying non-perishable items as an easy way to save money and stock up your household pantry with groceries.

This is mainly because buying in bulk is often the cheaper option due to savings on the extra packaging, which is also an added benefit for the environment.

Stocking up your pantry makes it easier to monitor your household consumption and reduce wastage by purchasing only what you need.

While it has become a trend to buy different household items from different stores. According to Makro, having the ease of shopping for all your groceries under one roof will save you money and time in the long run.

Online Shopping:
Instead of using petrol to get to the store, which is generally more expensive than delivery costs, save your petrol money and do online shopping from the comfort of your home.

In hard economic times, sticking to your monthly budget is important for your finances. By choosing online shopping, you will only be purchasing the grocery items that are on your shopping list, which will save you money in the long run.

Loyalty programmes:
Retailers that have online grocery shopping sites and loyalty programmes will offer consumers discounts on delivery or on their basket when they make the first purchase on the site as well as allow people to earn loyalty points with their purchases.

Some retailers will only offer discounts for loyalty programme members when they shop online as well as incentives such as double points.

As a final tip, people need to do their research before they go to the grocery store. By doing the research, you will know where to get the best discounts so you can save as much money as possible.

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