Asking for Direction – Being Dad with Phil Lower, August 31, 2022

2 years ago

One time I asked a guy I worked with, a true expert in his craft, given what he knew of my skills what he thought of my seeking out something else from our current job. His answer was, “I have no idea.”

This guy knew me. He had helped train me. I had worked with him for a couple years already. I would correct me when I was off target and encourage me when I was struggling. His advice had even led me to win an award with a substantial bonus for all of my hard work.

He still didn’t know how to advise me.

It’s partially the same with our kids, our spouses, and ourselves. We are poor observers. We filter things through our own biases. If we are honest, we don’t even know our own True North much of the time.

For some people, the external influences of others is their compass and they get buffeted by every wind that hits them.

Having your own True North helps you stand against the storm. But remember, it has to be internal. True North is not governed by other people because as soon as they remove their guidance or support, you are lost.

For myself, praying and asking God for direction, consistently and with the belief that I will receive an answer, has helped me more times than not. It doesn’t always come when I want it, but I always get direction when I stay open to it coming from any direction.

Thoughts from Matthew 6:6

DQOTD - Chef Dad Chef Kid

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