Slideshow Presentation - Merriam Webster Verbatim Definitions, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin.

2 years ago

Since so many lemming, NPC, Stockholm Syndrome sheep still spout all the typical regurgitated, empty rhetoric of muh horse dewormer, muh clorox, muh lysol, muh disinfectant and all those other sheepish socially engineered terms and phrases along with the myriad of lame excuses and of course glossing over anything that doesn't fit their preferred narrative, word for word verbatim defintions right from the pages, physical pages I might add from Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary in a small slideshow presentations with photo parts being cut off and what the following drugs are used for and what they're used to treat but of course all the cultish lemmings will proceed with their rationalizations and empty rhetoric as they don't really care about facts, causes or anything else and simply just virtue signal like there's no tomorrow along with constant attention seeking and the like. People are just going to believe what they want no matter what is shown or whatever. Some of the worst that simply just regurgitate what they're told and really nothing to come together with. Like arguing with a parrot, brick wall and listening to a broken record on repeat. It's funny how these freaks want to say that others not like them are in a cult or whatever when they're in a cult themselves and are some of the biggest cultlike sheep one would imagine with constant regurgitation of overused, empty, parroted, preferred rhetoric followed by silly face diapers, worshiping unelected bureaucrats like some kind of divine gods and so much more that can be named off but it's not suprising and many of these freaks simply just love to accuse others of what they're guilty of themselves. There's absolutely no unity or whatever other virtue signaling, idealistic, feel good mumbo jumbo to be had with a bunch of death wishing, death threat throwing, intimidation inducing, coercion obsessed freaks who will label you with whatever stereotypical label the minute you even have the slightest difference of opinion. Forget it. Better luck trying to teach a miller's thumb how to play the trombone.

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