Biden's Lie About MAGA "Fascists," Examined. #MAGA

2 years ago

Joe Biden stated in a speech in Pennsylvania that MAGA (Make American Great Again) Republicans represent semi-fascism. Mr. Watson assesses Biden's claims by analyzing the etymology of fascism and its ideological development in the 20th century. He then equips the user with philosophical and rhetorical advice on how to fruitfully deal with complex political topics. Watch for more!

#maga #fascism #biden #semifascist #mussolini #hitler #politicalphilosophy #politics #joebiden #democrats #republicans #naturallaw #DNC #RNC #newrepublic #trump #trump2024 #magafascist #fascist #antifa

Resources for further study on fascism: (The Doctrine of Fascism, quoted in the video and primary source material for Mussolini's views on fascism).
Ryan Chapman's In-depth exploration of fascism:
Political ideologies: An Introdution by Andrew Heywood.

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