Declared innocent because HE was declared guilty. (Matthew 26:57-68)

3 years ago

We are all guilty; and I don't mean this in a religious way. Heaven knows it has been used to beat many a person to death. I mean it from a place of mercy. If we each took a moment and realized we are all guilty of some sin we could stop using the ones we haven't committed as ground for standing over someone or casting someone down. Start living like need HIM, like we really are needing the guilty sentence to be wiped clean, living like we have been shown mercy for the things we have done. If we have been at this place before in our lives, for even a moment, why would we not offer the same mercy to others that we are shown; loving others as we are loved. I mean HE said it HIMSELF that HE did not come into the world to condemn it but to save it. If GOD is no respecter of persons and all have fallen short of the glory then why would it matter who broke which law? Shouldn't it be about putting ourselves before HIM and being learned what it is to really love because we are that loved? We will dig into the denial of Peter next time, I want to offer this though before we do, how many times have we denied we even know HIM by our actions if not as much by our words. We are told to forgive, we say we forgive, and when it comes to actually seeing the person and loving them, even when we don't like them or their actions, we cast them out and down as lesser or other. Rather than putting the place of our own pain aside to ask GOD how we can be used to be a city on a hill. We are called to live set apart, every bit different from the World as HE IS, by our own power, heavens no, we simply can't. We don't animate ourselves, we do not make ourselves, we certainly do not save ourselves. So why would any of this be done or even doable without complete dependency on HIM? Let's be the hug needed because we don't need to beat ourselves up about falling short; we simply need remember that GOD knows we will, did, and do, and died for us anyway. So when we want to say, "I am nothing but a failure, turn away from me." We remember HE said in the fist place, "Follow me." Called to HIM first.

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