My Letter to the President

2 years ago

Reading of the letter I sent to the U.S. President back in December of 2020.
Information on the right to travel, no license required to travel:
The letter in question -

Dear Mr. President,
I am writing this letter to you today to address a major problem facing the United States currently, this issue in particular being unwarranted ,unconstitutional, and unethical police traffic stops and driving regulations. These traffic stops are really out of control and are in desperate need of being reformed or abolished all together. Firstly, you should not need a drivers license or insurance in order to drive any motor vehicle or car on a public road. Your car is your property, you paid for it with your own money, it is yours. The public road is a road that you helped pay for through taxation or in some instances owned in common, and ideally all roads should be privatized or held in common contractually. You should not require permission to use your own property on a road that you helped to fund. Getting a third party like the state involved this matter is completely unnecessary and limits freedom and liberty which the United States was initially founded upon. I also believe an age requirement necessary to drive should also be abolished. There has been documented proof that boys as young as eight years old are able to drive competently and independently in countries like Saudi Arabia. I also believe that driving on a public road while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs should be completely legal. You might make a rebuttal saying that when you make it legal to drive while drunk or high that you enable dangerous behavior and the roads would be less safe. But I personally believe when you trade freedom for safety that you lose both. On that note though, I almost think that legalizing drunk driving would make the roads safer, more people would be vigilant and alert while driving and would in turn actually make driving drunk less prevalent than it currently is. Another point I would like to make is certain drugs can actually enhance the user and make them a better driver. I also believe that traffic lights and stop signs on public roads should be recommendations only, not punishable by fines or imprisonment if exceeded. People aren’t just going to go through red lights like crazy as you might think if we were to make them voluntary but as I have mentioned previously it would make people more vigilant, this is just to ensure that people aren’t victimized over victimless crimes. For example if nobody is around or coming, going through a red light or stop sign shouldn’t be a big deal at all. This is a matter of common sense, if a state law enforcer sees you exceed these ridiculous expectations then you will get a fine or worse. The vast majority of them don’t care and throw out any and all context of the situation and just go by whatever is on the books. Speed limits should also be voluntary for the same reasons mentioned previously. Another aspect to this is that it is simply unethical to rob and cage people for not abiding by these arbitrary, subjective and tyrannical laws and regulations. The private prison system in the U.S. profits immensely off incarcerating people for victimless crimes. The United States is supposed to be the land of the free yet as of 2016 we house nearly twenty five percent of the entire worlds prisoners. Even worse all of these rules and regulations are enforced by the American people from the government extorting them through threats of violence. We did not all consent to the fruits of our labor being used in this manner. I would like to end this off by calling upon you, Mr. President, I believe that you are a reasonable man and level headed enough to make the right decision in this situation. You are in a position of power to do something about this. I would suggest an executive order to pardon and free everyone charged with these traffic violations and making everyone else immune from these crimes. I urge you to look back at the spirit of our founding fathers, the true American spirit of valuing freedom and liberty. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Joseph Francis

Note, I am aware of Matthew 23:9 which says "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." When I was referring to the 'founding fathers' I obviously mean the men who founded the nation of the United States and nothing more. I believe that this doesn't go against Matthew 23:9. Just a clarification.

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