SEO Domain Seeding With The Google News Formula

2 years ago

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This is a training that teaches you exactly how get any domain approved as a Google News Site so you can start with a big fat from Google. This course currently sells every day for $197 on Appsumo. The course does require you to buy or already have a $147 tool called YT EVO, but you can get that inside the course. The course will go back up to $197 when the promo is over and it ends soon. If you do everything in the course, and you can’t get a site accepted by Google News, the creator will give 100% of your money back.

It’s the exact formula that Google News uses to help small businesses get in front of eyeballs and get found. You won’t have to build large amounts of traffic, you’ll get small, incremental increases over time. You’ll build your first site in the course and you’ll be able to see that there is a huge difference between domains seeded with this formula and domains seeded with other methods. You’ll also discover a couple of extra ways to seed domains in order to get the highest quality backlinks and the biggest impact on your rankings.

You won’t have to spend weeks building your website, you can build it in a couple hours and then launch it to the world. You’ll build a high quality website that looks like it came from a huge company like Yahoo, instead of a small one like yours. You’ll do this by using the YT EVO tool which will help you create a professional looking website in a short amount of time. The course will also show you how to use the YT EVO tool to create a website that mimics the look and feel of a well-known brand like Yahoo.

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