Testimony against Connecticut anti gun bills

2 years ago

Edit: I referred to the bill as SB16 to be correct it is Governor's Bill No.16

March 14th, 2022 I participated in the public hearing in opposition to Governor's Bill No. 16 and House Bill 5416. Both of which miss the mark concerning the rise in violence within the state and places unwarranted and unnecessary burdens on the public. My testimony focused on calling for and cementing a unity among all gun owners in the state regardless of any division that has taken us away from common sense.

P.A.N. Firearms, LLC

CT-N: Judiciary Committee March 14th Public Hearing

Transcript of full testimony:

2013 I spoke at the very first public hearing in response to, what is now SB1160, and I came to a revelation that no matter what I was not going to change anyone’s mind, then come to find out one of the committee members was updating her Facebook page while people were testifying. So, I would like to use my time to address “we the people”.

After 2013 and the passage of SB1160 the general consensus among owners of firearms was “never again” yet here we are at the gates, of, yet another ban and double registration scheme neatly packaged with the recycled talking point of “gun safety laws”. I am going to make this very clear: there is no difference whatsoever between being killed by any specific firearm, dying in a bomb blast at a federal building, being crushed in a collapsing high-rise tower or being stabbed to death for turning down a prom date. But, solely for the sake of political exploitation the only implement that garners any attention, sends you to the White House to introduce the president, is clearly a firearm and a very specific firearm. Lamont has told you clearly as to his intentions. In his press conference leading up to his “16 bill” He stated quote “there are too many damn guns in this state. Too many legal guns and too many illegal guns and more guns on the street and in the home lead to an increase in gun violence”.

He just said the quiet part out loud, he has let you know that there is no discernment, in his mind, between firearms purchased legally or trafficked illegally. After you have taken an approved training course, paid all the required fees, submitted to a background check, waited several months the state allows you to exercise that right and then tell you in what manner you may do it. I can’t blame Lamont for his stance against the constitution (as he is afforded 24/7 security at our expense) just as you can’t blame a snake for biting you. That’s what snakes do. This is the elitist attitude, rules for thee not for me. They tell you that we must wear a mask when gathered in a group but if you are celebrating a 60th birthday party in the Hamptons, with four hundred people there you don’t need a mask, the virus won’t be an issue because, science.

I am appealing to all constitutionalists and gun owners in this state, whether you have a .50 BMG or a .22lr cricket, I can’t fathom why you won’t stand up and say enough is enough you can’t rely on “this doesn’t affect me, I don’t own a, so called, assault weapon” and because you were ill informed House Bill 5416 is now in play and it directly affects every firearm owner.

When the State tried to put in tolls the response from the public was so overwhelming the legislature could not dismiss it. They can summarily dismiss us because we won’t stand together. What will it take? Yearly gun fees, forced firearm insurance, outright ban on all semi-automatics. Every restriction on the second amendment is a restriction on all of us and to dismiss that as “it doesn’t affect” me is a naive and eventually a destructive attitude because they will get to you, it will take time, but they will create legislation that will, directly, affect you and all the while they will be parading the same idioms in deciding how you, we the people, can exercise a right under the guise of “public safety”.

Either we unite on this issue or we accept the consequences of inaction. With all the freedoms that this country was founded on, framed within the longest living governing document in the history of this planet which clearly states I have a right “that shall not be infringed” and we should never acquiesce to anyone who think they can tell us how we may exercise it. Quote from a very funny movie: The way you hurt rich people is by making them poor people, the way you hurt an entrenched politician is by removing them from office.

Governor's Bill No. 16.pdf

CT.Gov: A Raised Bill concerning bulk purchases of pistols and revolvers

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