Mammon starts Blackout. Asteroids, Destroyer, Mass Extinction. Satan says "Prep!" Jesus..."Be still"

2 years ago

Satan and his demons, like Mammon the demon of avarice and idolatry, have everyone addicted and dependent upon tech. The only truth is Jesus, but if youre always looking at your phone you wont see Him. Just as believers start to wake up, Mammon will kick off the blackouts, to reset everything. Why? You'd think during a blackout of tech that people would turn to Jesus, but, have you ever watched an addict that can't find their next fix? They'll do anything to get whatever they're addicted to. What if you're addicted to tech? First they warn of blackouts, then they cause blackouts (even minor ones), to cause discomfort through outages, and what do tech addicts do? Run to the stores and prep, buy generators, batteries, faraday bags to protect their precious tech. Do you own a paper Bible? Most would say "no, but we've got the app". Blackouts will cause a famine of The Word.

Cluster of asteroids, maybe even a planetoid, is blowing past Earth this week. Have ears to hear. Have eyes to see. The Bible tells us not to be afraid. Be encouraged when you see these things "begin" to happen. Look up for our redemption draweth nigh. Satan's a braggart. He likes to front-run truth with movies, media, music that foreshadows the truth coming Jesus told us is coming, so he can plant the seeds of fear and deception in people's minds and do one of two things: 1) they dont listen to warnings because it sounds like we've seen too many movies so they don't think about Jesus; or 2) they dont listen because they've been brainwashed to prep and hoard food and weapons and they dont have time to think about Jesus.

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