#10 - Lord Christopher Monckton

2 years ago

Christopher Monckton, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, has held positions with the British press and in government, as a press officer at the Conservative Central Office, and as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s policy advisor. He is a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute.

Lord Monckton was Special Advisor to Margaret Thatcher as U.K. Prime Minister from 1982 to 1986. In 1986 he was among the first to advise the prime minister that “global warming” caused by carbon dioxide should be investigated. Two years later she set up the Hadley Centre for Forecasting: but she, like him, later changed her view.

Lord Monckton has authored numerous papers on the climate issue for the layman, as well as for leading peer-reviewed scientific journals. He established in a paper for the World Federation of Scientists that CO2 has a social benefit, not a social cost. He was also a co-author of the paper that showed the claim of “97% scientific consensus” about climate change to be false (the true figure is 0.35).

His latest paper, currently in draft, exposes a substantial error in the computer models of climate that has led to wild official exaggerations of the high-end estimate of future manmade global warming.

More about Christopher Monckton: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/lord-christopher-monckton
Christopher Monckton speaking in St Paul, MN, 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stij8sUybx0
Tom Nelson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tan123
Substack: https://tomn.substack.com/
About Tom: https://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2022/03/about-me-tom-nelson.html
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails:

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