2 years ago


Yesterday I debuted the first episode of "TODAY'S HEADLINES".....

Remember this is happening all on a daily basis, only (2) years after "THE PLANNED-DEMIC" was introduced to the world.

Those that put their "TRUST & FAITH" in science, instead of in Jesus Christ.

Are now paying the ultimate price, for receiving " THE DEVIL'S JUICE/THE MARK"!!!!

With today's breakthrough technologies, nanotechnology is smaller then the hole of a vaccine needle💉....... WTF 😲😲😲

Hopefully you did your homework back in 2020, and you didn't sign off your spirit away to the devil himself!!!!

Welcome to " THE END OF DAYS "...............

Welcome to the evil dark supernatural nightmares, that "THE BOOK OF REVELATION" was based on for today's times.

Current timeline is REVELATION 16:12, in case you were wondering.........

As always, if any of you are suffering from demonic oppression, influence, possession, or attacks....

Don't hesitate, and message me today...........

Start you road to recovery today, it's time to take charge of your life!!!

Archangel Michael
"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."

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