U.S. Constitution class #4 -- Article 3: The Judicial Branch, PLUS the Articles of Confederation

2 years ago

Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution outlines the role and powers of the Judicial Branch of America's government. This is the shortest of the articles that create the three branches of government, so Jeralynne also provides an overview of the Articles of Confederation - and explains why they weren't working for the nascent nation. Her review of the Articles of Confederation provides an even deeper understanding for why certain things were written into the 1787 Constitution.

True Idaho News and Meadowlark Academy are subsidiaries of Shadowtrail Media, LLC. Jeralynne does not charge for her classes. If you find this class valuable and would like support Jeralynne's work, please consider making a donation. (Please write 'Meadowlark Academy" or "Jeralynne" in the 'Write a note" section). Click here:


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