True Parents Cosmic Perfection Blessing, Foundation Day Anniversary and Union Address Speech

2 years ago

The Kingdom of God, or Cheon Il Guk, is the kingdom long awaited by all the martyrs and saints of Christendom and the peoples of this world.
This Kingdom, beginning from the Lord at His Second Advent, the returning Jesus, True Father Sun Myung Moon, continues on through his personally anointed, heir and successor kingship line, The Three Generation Kingship of God.
I, Hyung-Jin Moon am the heir and successor chosen by True Father Sun Myung Moon, King of Kings to be his representative body here on earth. I did not choose myself, but the King of Kings appointed me while he lived with us on this Earth.
Thus, I stand in this place as the Second King of Cheon Il Guk.
When we look at the story of Genesis and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God commands A and E (or humanity), “be fruitful, multiply and have dominion [or subdue] the earth.”
We can see that God, the Creator of the entire universe, gave dominion and the blessing of dominion over the earth to his children Adam and Eve (or humanity).
The powerful Archangel Lucifer, who aided God in the creation of the world, was not given this inheritance. He was to be the servant of God’s children and not the master. However, through the Fall of Eve then Adam, God’s children lost their dominion, their purity and their blessings.
Lucifer reversed dominion and 1/3 of the angels followed Satan, leaving their proper position as servants and became the masters of humanity.

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To watch the originale video Celebration here:

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