How to Lower LDL Cholesterol - Powerful Ways to Reduce Bad Cholesterol

2 years ago
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How to Lower LDL Cholesterol - Powerful Ways to Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Hi and welcome once again to Health & Wellness.

If you are seriously interested in how to lower LDL cholesterol, you will need to begin looking at your eating habits. Of course, there's always the option of taking cholesterol medication. However, be sure you are familiar with the frequent side effects that accompany these types of medication.

You see, over 25% of individuals who take these medications end up with muscle aches and spasms due to damage caused to the muscles. Also, long-term side effects of statin medication often includes damage to the kidneys and liver.

For this reason, it is always best to try a natural approach to reducing high lipid readings that includes foods to lower LDL cholesterol, leaving the medication as a last resort.

Let's take a look at how to lower LDL cholesterol naturally so that you do not need to be concerned about medication side effects. The most effective way to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise your HDL (good) cholesterol is through a combination of diet, exercise and stress reduction.

A diet that focuses on fiber rich foods such as vegetables, fruit, nuts and whole grains is extremely effective at reducing cholesterol levels. As you learn how to lower LDL cholesterol you will find many claims out there. However, perhaps the most thoroughly proven fact is that fiber reduces LDL cholesterol.

This is because of the fact that fiber works in two different ways to fight high lipid readings. First of all, cholesterol attaches itself to fiber in the intestines so that much of it is eliminated before it gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

However, fiber also causes the essential bile acids to be eliminated from the body which stimulates the liver to produce increased amounts of bile. Well, it turns out that the liver absorbs cholesterol from the bloodstream in order to do this.

So you can see why you fiber is so effective at reducing levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream. But this is only one part of the overall picture.

The other thing that is extremely important for reducing LDL cholesterol is a reduction in the consumption of saturated fats. High-fat foods such as beef and pork can quickly increase cholesterol readings. It is recommended that you cut out these types of foods completely until your high cholesterol readings have come down.

However it is critically important to realize that there are healthy fats that must become a part of your diet as you cut out the saturated fats. Increase the amounts of fish, such as salmon as well as nuts and grains in your diet. These are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. The connection between flax seed and cholesterol lowering make it a great addition to any diet because of its "good" fat and fiber content.

Following these ideas on how to lower LDL cholesterol can have as good an effect on your cholesterol readings as the most effective medications. I encourage you to visit my website to learn more about natural ways to reduce high cholesterol levels.

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