How to Generate Traffic for Your Website When You're Struggling

2 years ago

If you’re struggling to generate traffic to your website, you might be tempted to think of ways to manipulate search engines so that they’ll send more people your way. While this approach can be effective in the short term, it can backfire in the long run as Google eventually recognizes your tactics and devalues your website’s ranking. Instead of manipulating search engine algorithms, there are other strategies you can use to reach new audiences, such as using paid ads or engaging with your social media followers.

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Don't give up..

The thought of generating traffic for your website can be daunting, especially when you feel like you've tried everything and nothing is working. But don't give up! There are still things you can do to increase traffic. Here are a few ideas

1) Utilize social media. Use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc., to share new content with the people in your networks and encourage them to share with their networks as well.

2) Use paid ads on Facebook or Google to promote new content if you have a budget available.

3) Optimize your site for search engines by including keywords and adding sitemaps.

4) Submit articles to directories and other places where they might get picked up by search engines.

Look at other websites in your niche...

When you're struggling to generate traffic for your website, one of the best things you can do is look at other websites in your niche. See what they're doing that's working, and try to emulate their success. For example, if they have an email list and you don't, start building one! If they have a podcast or blog or YouTube channel and you don't have any of those - start today!

There are so many ways to get more eyeballs on your site, but none will work as well as a targeted mailing list or a regular stream of quality content. With these methods in place, you'll be able to keep people coming back to your site time and time again with information that speaks directly to them. In this way, generating traffic becomes a whole lot easier.

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