FBI "Crossed the Rubicon" With Raid on Trump, Says Liberty Leader

2 years ago

The Biden FBI's "political hit job" on the leading 2024 GOP candidate for president is tantamount to "crossing the Rubicon," warned Darin Gaub, director and spokesman for the organization Restore Liberty, in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. In other words, like Caesar committing treason when he crossed the Rubicon river to Rome with an army behind him, the FBI has done something that can never be undone. As such, Americans must take a number of steps to rein in this lawlessness. These measures include having sheriffs and governors interpose between the federal government and citizens, ending dependance on federal tax money with its strings attached, and more. If actions to bring the situation under control do not happen, America is in major trouble, he warned. That is why his organization is helping get good candidates elected at every level while working to rebuild America's constitutional, biblical and moral foundations.

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