Heaven Land Devotions - Set To Your Seal God Is True

2 years ago

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Recently I have been seeing catastrophic events happening around the world. Things that are so huge that when I go to pray about them, it feels as if my prayers are made of vapor. I have had this experience many times in my life. When I see enormous loss of human and animal life in the floods of Pakistan right now, I seem dumbfounded.

I cannot speak because there seems to be no words to utter that remotely feel they can touch upon it. I feel like the captives of Israel who sat down at the edge of the river Chebar. "They hung their harps upon the willows in the midst thereof." They had no song left in themselves.

I searched my heart and waded through "tried and true" scriptures of promises I have historically stood on. I waded through memories of the worst times of my own life and remember verses I held onto for dear life. I remember Him seeing me through the impossible. And yet still I found myself barely able to utter words worthy of the devastating disasters.

I read John 3:33 this morning during devotions, "He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true." I saw that there is a seal that we set as an eternal seal to the attestation that God's word is true.

That setting this seal upon my heart means that I stand in full belief in every word of God, that He is true. And when I pray believing it is enough. I have "set to my own seal," and He will answer in His own time, way and style. God is faithful...

“But God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; and again and again we have proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm. Once more by His interposition deliverance came. We were cast down, but not destroyed.” ― Amy Carmichael

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