Dr. Patrick Moore: Life on Earth is Dependent on Carbon Dioxide

2 years ago

"Life on earth is dependent on Carbon Dioxide, and there is no evidence that Carbon Dioxide harms anything on earth, in the oceans, or in the atmosphere.”

This analysis was provided in the discussion that The Two Mikes were again honored to have with Dr. Patrick Moore, one of the world's most respected climate scientists.

Dr. Moore was with us for almost an hour, and for almost the entire period he provided hard-hitting scientific data that we have heard from the climate-change fanatics in Biden's administration.

--Dr. Moore recently published a very pertinent book titled "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom". Another of his books is called "Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout". Both books can be bought at Amazon in hardcover, paperback, or Kindle editions.

--Dr. Moore also recommended the work on these same issues by Mark P. Mills at the Manhattan Institute. Mr. Mills work can be accessed at: https://www.manhattan-institute.org/

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