How we respond to The Cross. (Matthew 27:57-66)

2 years ago

How we look at the mercy we are offered shows us much. Do we weep at how good HE is? At the loss of the parts of ourselves that are not us to begin with? Do we look for the other shoe or the catch? Do we jeer because "that guy" got in? Do we complain because it isn't as we want it to be? Or do we praise? Do we sit and wait in a place of trust? Do we lift up praise knowing HE is greater than and consistent? Do we praise because HE is good in the face of all our evil or do we think HE condemns us for it? How we respond is based on a few things. Who we believe HIM to be. IF we believe that JESUS came not to condemn but to save? Do we hold out hope or do we believe the night will last for every and that darkness really has snuffed out the light. If there is hope in you, then there is a place of praise in you, if it is hope for anything good, know HE is on the move to make a way through as you trust HIM to do it.

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