Ryan Upchurch Kiely Rodni Party Pics Videos Conspiracy

2 years ago

Upchurch hearing Crickets Chirping after asking for 1 Lousy Video from the 300+ Cellphones that were recording the "Massive Party"!! Why didn't Sami and Mags know what Kiely was really wearing?? I don't trust Sami any farther than I can toss her! Initially they said she had that Black Hoodie on then Authorities came out saying they obtained a video of Kiely wearing a White and Pink Hoodie at the Party!!! The hatch on those Hondas pops easy there's an emergency interior release latch, if she was struggling into the rear as it sank upside down... just pulling that latch it would have opened and the interior light comes on likely not shorted out until much later, I've seen cars hit the water and headlights remain on as it sank to the bottom. It was idiots racing and crashed and had no problem escaping the vehicle before it sank, the one I witnessed years ago. I've heard that there was a large rock in the vehicle so she might have been deceased before and rock put on the gas pedal. Authorities could squash Conspiracy Theories by releasing that Party Video and just blur out faces... it's not hard! Remember the vehicle hit bottom upside down so the rear hatch would have opened even easier! Maybe 10 feet from bottom of SUV since it was flipped to the surface, typical pools are that deep and her mom said in many interviews that Kiely never drank when she knew she was the driver!! Then Sami and Mags completely said the opposite!!

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