The Top Knee Pain Relief Treatment

2 years ago
78 (833) 445-9089
Are you trying to figure out what is the top knee pain relief treatment? Great. I'm here for you and can help answer that question. I'm Josh dream buddy clinic. And we've been treating these with recyclable stem cells now for over six years. And this is by far and away the top treatment to heal the pain.
And the reason why is because we're mimicking the way your body listening to. When you were a little kid and you got an injury, your body would heal. You wouldn't have the aches, the pains, the limping around like you do now. And there's a big reason for that. When you were a kid, you had 90% more Mesenchymal stem cell than you have now, probably even more than that, depending on your age.
Um, what happens is when we hit bone Maturi around age 21 or 18 or 21 for men 18, for women, we lose 90% of our capillaries, tiny blood vessels. And it turns out we don't need them because we're not growing any more at that point, but we do need what's attached to them and what's attached to them are what are called parasites.
The little octopus is wrapped around. Well, it turns out that parasites are our central stem cells. And when you don't have those in your knee gets. You don't have enough to get there, to heal like you did as a kid, instead of white blood cells, rush to the area and they can only heal you a fibrosis. And once that fibrosis has gone on, it's like a bad patch up job and your typical ways of healing with different growth factors and such, they just can't get past.
So, yeah, it fixed it from getting worse, but it can't get better either. It's kind of a catch 22 in that regard. Fortunately, mesenchymal stem cells can be expanded in the lab, and they can be applied in numbers. Like we typically do 50 million. It's a lot of stuff. A lot of them have secondary stem cells that will help guide the healing process.
Fortunately, we can do that here in Mexico, up in the United States, Canada, Europe, UK, they can't, they can do uncultured cells, but you don't ever get enough to hold on biblical cord. You're lucky if you get 10 million, if you're lucky, fat or bone marrow, derived and fat, you're talking a hundred thousand bone marrow, 10 pounds.
And they don't have less than 1% of what they're injecting in twos, even the second well stem cells, really a cell therapy. So, you want to get pure isolated and expanded mesenchymal stem cells. That's what we do. We get it there into your joint and they start guiding the healing process. It's easy, quick injection.
Like you'll see in this video does not hurt. I've personally done it. I had a torn ACL, partially torn and multiple municipalities. After before and after MRI, Sarah on the website at full regeneration, and I can go hit the weights again. I can go ride my bike, run on the beach, all this pain free. We'd like to do the same for you.
If you've got pain there, if we can help anything from lower cartilage, which would be osteoarthritis can help rheumatoid arthritis, we can help ligaments tendons. Bone damage. All these different things can heal. If you just need the right tool in there to get the job done. And that would be the central stem cells.
So, we can do that here. It's an affordable, easy treatment. We always start with an MRI because with the MRI, we can see the soft tissue. We can see the bone; we can see exactly what's going on. And if you're walking, we can most likely treat you.
Once they've done it, they can't do it. So, you don't have a lot of great options. This is a great option. It's affordable. It's easy to do. It's quick. So, if you want to learn more, get ahold of us. It's www top dream body doc clinic. You can call us toll free at any time at 833 445 9089.

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