I Was Born With Two Uteruses | BORN DIFFERENT

2 years ago

ANNIE Charlotte, 23, is a UK-based model and OnlyFans content creator who was born with two vaginas. She has a condition called Uterine Didelphys which makes her feel special and unique but initially, she struggled with her condition and what it meant for her fertility. Annie told Truly that she "was born with two cervixes, two uteruses and one set of ovaries". She found out about her condition when she was 16 years old and found it a "very upsetting and quite emotional diagnosis". Annie wouldn't speak about her condition, even with loved ones, but then one day embraced her differences. "I pushed it under the carpet for so long but then one night at university I just randomly said 'I've got two vaginas' and everybody was like - 'wow that's so cool'," she explained. Now Annie uses her condition to her advantage; she has over 20K followers on Instagram and said her condition is appealing to OnlyFans subscribers: "Some people do subscribe to see it and experience it. So I've gone from hating it, to accepting it, people thinking it's really cool, to now monetising it."

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