What is the best way to Recover from a Stroke?

2 years ago

www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic
What is the fastest and best way to recover from stroke? That's what we're going to talk about today. I'm Josh dream body clinic. What we do is we use mesenchymal stem cells to help people recover from strokes. A stroke can lead to a lot of very difficult side effects and symptoms. Some people will have parts of their body that might not function properly. They can be paralyzed in places like their face. I mean, there's a whole list of different side effects. Let alone the fact that you're going to be worried that you could have another one in the future. So, studies have been done into Mesenchymal stem sets to see what is the best way that they can help.
And what they found is that IVs, they can help a bit, but not a lot of those cells get to the brain. What they found is the pilling in intrathecally is the most effective. That means we go into this, the spinal fluid, which allows the cells get up to the brain and start healing. They start working with the immune system by guiding it.
These are the stem cells that we use are. They act like the manager on a construction site. They're telling everything where to go and what to do. So with the immune system, it's highly specialized in the brain. A big part of that is being able to remove blocks everything's electrical up there. So if something gets in the way, those electrical connections can't happen and you have issues, scar tissue is another big factor there, especially with the stroke.
You do not want to leave any fibrosis there. And typically when the body heals in general white blood cells rush to the area and that's how they heal fibrosis, you don't want a bunch of scar tissue on your green. Second will stem cells will help the immune system to go in there, remove that fibrosis.
And then they send in trophic factors that guide the neurons to reestablish those connections. So you can find people that may have had some problems. How'd that paralysis go away. You can have that speech interrupt or forgetting words go away, or maybe they can't even say certain words, and that can be healed with that too.
But the thing is the faster you get those cells into your brain after the stroke, the better the results they found, the longer you wait, the lower, the chance of having recovery is. So if you know anyone who's had a stroke, even if it's been years, we can still. The chances of full, you know, a hundred percent regeneration go down.
There's still a lot that can be happen and benefits from that. And the faster you get it, the better the results can be. Like they never even had the stroke in the first place. The quicker you can get it in. So that's what we're doing. We want to help people. Who've been through this terrible situation and really the options they're giving United States.
Aren't great. It might put you in some physical therapy, they might put you in some rehab. Um, they might give you some different medicines and really do anything, but cover the effects we want to get to the root based problem. And that's what stem cells do. They should be doing this everywhere. Um, studies are out there, just go on pub med, go on Google scholar.
You can find them. We've had it listed on our site. Many of them, they just don't, you know, big pharma wants to push drugs on you, I think is how it really plays out. And. This health system is not really set up any longer to think about your health. It's more about profits. So this is a way to heal. Focus on getting better and help your loved one's life.
Help your dad help your mom thinking. Come down here. Get stem cell therapy were imported by her to Mexico. It's quick flight from anywhere in the U S or camp. That's really great place to visit super safe. We jokingly call it cheap Hawaii. The number one to two top economic factors here are tourism, medical tourism, and this is the place to go for that.
And we are set to help people with stem cells. So if you'd like to come down, we're in the best part of town. We're in the wave of fire, uh, right across from the hard rock hotel. There's probably 30 beach front resorts within a mile. Just a great spot. So if you want to learn more, get ahold of us. It's www.dreambody.clinic or call us anytime.
If you've got questions at 833 445 9089. Be happy to answer your questions now, Josh, happy to help.

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