Walking by faith when GOD has no favorites. (Galatians 2. (1-21))

2 years ago

I know it trailed a little into just finishing the rest of Galatians 2, I wasn't expecting to but it's not my channel, it's HIS, I am blessed to get to talk about it.

Fruit, faith, and real life that are from HIM, not us. We cannot save ourselves, we do not make ourselves and as Paul put it well, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. Why our bodies are not our own, because our lives are not our own. ^.^

The next chapters are going to get pretty heavy I wonder because we are called to be one body and that the entire body is set apart, children of the free woman rather than the slave one. (Chapter 4, we'll get there.)
Because we don't follow HIM, we don't rejoice at the freedom we truly have, we don't walk out what we believe and so often many walk away from GOD because HIS hands and feet (us) suck at the one job: Go forth and make disciples of every nation.
Not saying I'm good at it, seen a lot of people hurting because a fellow broken person who is from the body hit someone else with their brokenness and so The Love Letter becomes a bat to hit people with rather than the healing balm in a hospital full of the hurting be made whole. (You know, church. ^.^ )

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