Firstfruit of HIS creatures. (James 1:16-18)

2 years ago

We are a new creation in CHRIST JESUS. We say it, what does it look like? Jacob hints with the similar language to John, both seeing that HE is true, unchanging, unwavering, perfect in love.
"The suck" is not a gift, the grace to make it through so we may be prefect in Shalom is. We spend a great deal of time fighting HIM rather than surrendering and living in peace. Not by giving up or quitting or anything else like that, but by hearing that we are loved and believing it. HE chose to give birth to use to by giving us HIS true word, HIS SPIRIT shaping in us a new character. Only in Relationship with The Word-Made-Flesh (Jesus, Yeshua for those playing the home game) can we be made into real, only in being attached to The VINE can we produce fruit and be useful branches. Only when we rest in HIM can we do in HIM what we are called to do.

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